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Showing posts from June, 2012

We Never Know

Cogito Ergo Sum (Aku Berpikir Maka Aku Ada) Sum Ergo Cogito (Aku Ada Karena Aku Berpikir) Sum Ergo Opto (Aku Ada karena Aku Memilih) Opto Ergo Sum (Aku Memllih Maka Aku Ada) pilihan selalu penuh dengan resiko, memilih sesuatu yang terlihat buruk-dengan resiko yang terlihat nyata, bisa jadi itu sesuatu yang paling baik bagi kita. sedangkan  memilih sesuatu yang terlihat baik bisa jadi itu hal terburuk yang pernah kita dapatkan. we never know.

Baron !

gw gak pernah berani sama namanya anjing, jangankan megang, ngeliat anjing di pinggir jalan aja gw keringet basah. Pernah dikejar anjing pas mau berangkat sekolah, alhasil nyampe sekolah gw basah kuyup kyak abis mandi. Selain itu liurnya juga gak banget, makanya gw takut -_-" semua itu berubah sejak gw ketemu Baron eaaaa Carlos Baronista nama panjangnya, anjing nya Jojo, hiihii awalnya sih takut megang, setelah disimak baik2 dia lucu banget, manja, pengen nyulik terus bawa ke kos hoho ganteng nya maksimaaal lucuuu :3 I LOVE YOU BARON :*

Grace Coddington - Creative Genius

After watching The September Issue , like many other people, I fell in love with Grace Coddington . What a creative genius ! I felt sorry for her when, Anna Wintour behaved like the devil who wears not only Prada . Coddington is the magazine's creative director and is in charge of the majority of photo shoots. This former model—who worked at British Vogue  and Calvin Klein before starting at American  Vogue.  these of her artwork : in 60's Grace Coddington is a british (beautifull) model, but unfortunatelly she had an accident that made to take a plastic surgery on her eyesbrow.

Levitation Photography

I know about levitation photography when I visited my friend's photo studio, and I gave the idea for ​​doing a jump shot, but he told it's not happening now. There's a  levitation photography, which looks like a model is flying like a superhero. The model like drift naturally and not contrived. levitation is the process by which a floating object against gravity in a stable position. Ultimately provide the inspiration for the photographer to make a photography technique called levitation photography. people who popular introducing this technique is Natsumi Hayashi, check out her blog here -> These of her photos : levitation is also growing up in Indonesia, follow @LevitasiHore on twitter or check they tumblr here -> Tips in photography levitation based on the : 1. Photographic levitation different with Jump Shot. Levitation must show t...