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Showing posts from July, 2016

Feck Perfection

Most of us are too concerned with the ideas of perfection. perfection is the death of creativity. it lacks spontaneity and assumes certainty - closed tight in its search for one “right” answer. But life is not math. The pursuit of perfection stops you from strating projects or even relationships. And it stops you from finishing or shipping projects because they are not ready or perfect. I’ll be ready when i’m perfect!” is not our mantra. the weather, the economy, the atmosphere will never be perfect. your timing will never be right and you will always be a little wrong.  Feck Perfection. You know what’s better than perfect?  DONE Done is better than perfect.

Birds Learn to FLY by Falling

To succeed, we have to take risk. We have to take bold leaps and move forward, brave and scared shitless at the same time. We will undoubtedly fall flat on our face. It happens. But we learn, make adjusments and fall not as far the next time. None of that is failure. Here’s what is: When we fall to trust ourselves to take that leap in the first place, and use that as an excuse to indulge our fear. When we believe that we are not,in fact, talented or worthy enough. When we believe tha our crappy yet comfortable circumstances should win. This particular lack of mommentum is called “business as usual”, and it will crush our plans for greatness.  We don’t fail by falling. We only fail when we stop taking the leap. Bird wisdom paraphrased form the poet Rumi

Delete - Delete

Banyak yang nanya "emang kalo uda berhijab harus ya apus poto yang sebelum jilbaban?" dulu sih gw mikirnya, yaudalah itu kan poto dulu-dulu ga diapus juga gapapa kaliiii, anggep aja kenangan, biar orang liatnya "oh ini ya poto resti yang dulu' 2 tahun berlalu, gw baca baca artikel di instagram, di facebook, di berita online, kalau masih majang poto yang belom ditutup (hijaban) sama aja nambah dosa aurat yang kita pertontonkan buat non muhrim kita,  dan yang paling parahnya, misal ya namanya takdir gada yang tau gw dipanggil sama Allah dan gw masih ngesave beberapa poto gw yang vulgar, itu sama aja kyak numpuk dosa. oke mungkin sampe situ masih biasa biasa aja nanggepinnya sampe akhirnya gw ngesearch nama gw sendiri di Google image, ternyata beberapa poto gw yang agak berani malah jadi top searching, mulailah disana gw ngerasa malu dan pengen banget apus poto2, walaupun kesannya memorable tapi biarlah gw yang save aja buat diri sendiri. siksa nera...