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Showing posts from August, 2013

Autumn Has Arrived In Solo

almost 4 days ago every time I went to college and through of ISI Solo street, I made fascinated by the trees began red and the leaves began to fall. It's like in Europe, (although I've never been there :p) so that I took the camera and did the snapshot of (my last) autumn in solo :) buds begin to emerge Tresnaniy Candid happy to see that boys bochooor, ada ban motor --" After i did a photosession with the tree and the leaves, next i did a photosession of me captured by my mate in our boarding house haha  Still have a theme of autumn of course :D

Sekelumit Isi Buku "Ragam Komunitas Solo"

Sekelumit aja ya isi buku gw, iya sekelumit aja, jangan banyak-banyak :D

Finally, LULUS !!!

21 Agustus kemaren jadi moment paling bersejarah dalam hidup gw, setelah 5 tahun mengenyam pendidikan di Universitas Sebelas Maret, Fakultas Sastra Seni Rupa jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual, akhirnyaaa ..... akhirnyaaa ..... gw lulus !!! dengan gelar Sarjana Seni. Hehe sebenernya gw ni lulus dalam hitungan wajar, karena dulu pernah cuti kuliah 1 semester, terus balik kuliah lagi dan mulai dari nol, secara akademis sih gw angkatan 2008 tapi kalo dilihat gw kya angkatan 2009, karena kebanyakan mata kuliah yang ngulang hhe :p Awalnya sih dulu gw minder karena pernah cuti kuliah, jadi gak punya temen seangkatan gitu, tapi gw positive thinking aja, pasti bisa ngejar mereka kok, yakin res pasti ngejar. Akhirnya setelah gw jalanin kuliah, bener gw bisa ngejar, perlahan tapi pasti. Pernah juga gw di olok-olok karena kuliah gw berantakan, belom magang juga, belom kolokium juga, tapi gw mah sabar aja, ntar juga pasti ada bagiannya ko gw ngalamin itu. Alhamdulilah sempet magang jadi...

Yes World, I'm an Introvert

  I spent most of my life trying to convince myself I was an extrovert. Because I related introversion to being shy or anti-social. Extroverts were the cool popular kids. But as I've grown older, the more I've come to terms with who I really am. Yes, world, I am an introvert. And (finally) proud of it. Despite popular belief, most introverts are far from being timid or fearful. They love people and have many meaningful friendships. They simply need more alone time. If given the choice to attend a party or stay at home with a good book, I'd probably choose the later. If I'm around extroverts for long periods of time, I'm completely drained by the end of the day. Experts say that introverts' energy expands through reflection and dwindles during interaction.